Saturday 16 March 2013

The Closet Victorian ~ and you may wonder why .....

...... well, as I've said, I am the closet Victorian ~ who seems to have now come out. My alter ego is revealed!! But I wonder, how did this happen....

When I was very young my grandmother often used to show me the things she kept in her personal treasure chest. She was a very practical and down to earth person so it was always a real treat to look through her collections of photos and souvenirs and hear her memories and stories of times past. She was a young girl during the first World War and her sweetheart sent her the most beautiful embroidered silk postcards from France and a Valentines card too, so delicate and pretty ~ I loved them.  Have you ever seen any of these?

Her photos were all in sepia tones of course and they always seemed to have a bit of warm soft glow about them. Thinking of these, my blog name ~ Sepia Moods ~ seemed quite appropriate for this style of work.

She also had bits of lace and silks, jewellery, ribbons and buttons. One of my favourite things was a walnut shell which had been lined with white padded silk and on it rested a tiny red elephant perfectly carved from coral. The walnut shell was opened by a tiny gold hinge and clasp.

Maybe this was the start of my love of all things pretty and lacy.  I'm also a collector and a hoarder and have all sorts of things stashed away ...... coins and stamp collections, old Victorian newspapers and magazines, beer mats, and many other things including every letter that anyone has ever sent me and lots of special cards.

Thinking of days gone by and times past, here is a little box panel I made using an old suspender (no, not one of mine!!!) and other bits and pieces. It stands on a wooden easel for display:

I do love making things like this! Hope you like it!

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